Estate Planning and Fiduciary Legal Services

1802 Bayberry Ct.
Suite 410
Richmond, Virginia 23226 Phone: (804) 282-5124
Fax (804) 673-1790

Thomas Word, Jr.
Direct: (804) 282-5127 tword@wordandword.com

T. Scott Word, III
Direct: (804) 282-5128

Estate Planning begins with an initial meeting with you to discuss your desires and needs. It is helpful in focusing your own thoughts to put together a list of assets and obligations and answer a few simple questions, and we have provided a form as a guide for this. You may download it, or we will be glad to mail you a hard copy. (You may already have most of the information in other formats, and the form is not essential to a first meeting.)

After our initial meeting, you will decide about going forward with us. If you decide not to engage us, there is no charge for the initial meeting. Of course, all you tell us about your family and your finances remains confidential.

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